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Info Bank: Build Engagement via Photo

Users are more likely to engage with an image instead of just text.

On average, social media post with pictures gain more likes than post without.

Using the right photos on your site will help the end-user connect emotionally with your product or brand.

Use of images on a site gives you an opportunity to describe your page with alt text to search engines.

Images are easier to process and remember.

Choosing the right picture

When choosing a photo for your web site, blog or other marketing material, you should consider it's relationship to your content. The use of an image can help influence the consumer. Here's a couple of tips to help you choose the right picture:

Use images that connect to your audience and subject. For example, if you are marketing a family movie night promo then a picture of a beach might be a disconnect.

Pick a photo that is high quality.

Photos of people are easy to connect with.

Our image stock does not contain watermarks so you have more freedom with your design layout. 2015. All products, photos, images and illustrations on this site are the property of and the photographer / artist; R. Dyer
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